Undercurrent Visionary


America’s Finest, the 79.80 meter trawler for Fisherman’s Finest, underway at shipyard Dakota Creek Industries, is due for delivery in 2017, according to the website of Skipsteknisk, the Alesund, Norway-based designer of the vessel.

“It is going to be very interesting to see what happens with the US pollock fleet,” Inge Bertil Straume, the sales manager for fishing vessels with Norway’s Skipsteknisk, told Undercurrent News, speaking at the recent Nor-Fishing 2016 show.

“In America, they have a saying that “seeing is believing”. When America’s Finest is delivered, they will see an 80m vessel that has fishmeal and fish oil production onboard, so it will not be hard to imagine this as a pollock trawler,” he told Undercurrent. “If you send a brochure to an owner in Seattle, it will just sit on their desk. It is just paper. They need to see the steel.” 

Helen Park, CEO and founder of Fisherman’s Finest, is a “visionary”, said Straume. “She does not have one of the biggest companies, but she is way ahead of a lot of the bigger ones.”

America's Finest from Visionary Park could Prompt Pollock Vessel Orders

by Tom Seaman - Undercurrent News